
Timber Cladding: Tips and Tricks

Timber Cladding: Tips and Tricks

Universal Plywoods - Cladding Lunawood

Timber Cladding: Tips and Tricks

Are you keen to give your space a fresh new look that exudes rustic charm and timeless elegance? Look no further than timber cladding, the secret weapon in every South African builder’s toolkit. At Universal Plywoods & Timbers, we’re here to assist you in mastering the art of cladding and transforming your space into a thing of beauty. So grab your tools and let’s get cladding!

  1. Choose the Right Timber: When it comes to cladding, the choice of timber is crucial. Opt for a high-quality timber like Thermowood or Siberian Larch from Universal Plywoods & Timbers for unbeatable durability and stunning aesthetics. Consider factors such as grain pattern, colour, and texture to achieve the desired look for your space.
  2. Prepare Your Surface: Before diving into the cladding process, ensure your surface is clean, smooth, and free from any debris or contaminants. Proper surface preparation guarantees optimal adhesion and longevity of your cladding. If necessary, apply a suitable primer or sealant to enhance adhesion and protect against moisture ingress.
  3. Mind the Gaps: Proper spacing between cladding boards is essential to allow for natural expansion and contraction of the timber due to changes in temperature and humidity. Aim for a gap of around 5-10mm between boards to accommodate these movements while maintaining a uniform appearance.
  4. Nail it Right: When fastening cladding boards, use stainless steel or galvanised nails to prevent rust and corrosion. Position nails at an angle through the tongue of each board to ensure a secure and discreet fixing. Be sure to countersink nails slightly below the surface to maintain a smooth finish.
  5. Protect and Maintain: Once your cladding is installed, it’s crucial to protect and maintain it to ensure long-lasting beauty and performance. Apply a suitable wood preservative or protective finish to seal the timber and safeguard against moisture, UV exposure, and fungal decay. Regular cleaning and maintenance will also help keep your cladding looking its best for years to come.

With these tips and tricks from Universal Plywoods & Timbers, you’re well on your way to achieving stunning timber cladding that adds character and charm to any space. Visit us today to explore our wide range of timber cladding options and embark on your cladding journey with confidence. Let’s transform your space together, one board at a time!